As children, we believe in Santa Claus. As teenagers, we believe in the American Dream. As adults, we wake up.
I am an ordinary person just like YOU, a vessel used by Jesus Christ,
to get THIS MESSAGE out to the masses. Isaiah 61:7-9 MSG
NOW is the time to W A K E U P.
Have you ever left your home and when you returned, it seemed as though something wasn't quite right, something was off and you got the strong feeling that someone had been inside of your home while you were away?
Have you ever had your journal stolen and its contents posted on social media, show up on a TV show or used in an interview?
Have you ever talked on your cell phone and then read the details of your conversation on social media?
Have you ever had someone approach you at a public place and quote words to you that were just mentioned prior to you leaving the house?
Have you ever had to get dressed in the dark or with bathroom mirrors covered and lights off because whatever clothing items you put on were discussed on social media?
Have you ever worn a flower in your hair and a pair of eyeglasses only to have those same items show up in your email via a daily positive message subscription?
Have you ever come home to find your refrigerator moved and the food you had inside of it rearranged from front to back?
Have you ever come home to find a grocery item that you put in the pantry the night before in your refrigerator?
Have you ever had someone come into your apartment or home while you are asleep, go through your purse and other personal belongings?
Have you ever requested a book at the library, pick it up and several pages of the book are dogearred as though someone wants you to read specific information?
These questions give you a glimpse of what my life has been like since 2009. To get a closer look, rent the movie Video Voyeur. It's a true story and quite similar to what I am experiencing. The cost of exposing information about celebrity involvement in a male rape club, drug trafficking ring and larger entity has come in the form of being on the receiving end of various bullying tactics such as being followed, having someone listen in on my phone conversations, hack my computer, enter my apartment, steal my journal, post its contents on social media, break in to my car, steal my stereo system, go through my purse, watch me as I bathe, sleep, read, pray and more. Since they are protected, the only recourse I have as a citizen of this nation, is to expose the celebrities who are behind it, their double lives and the entity behind all of it. It's a story about how God's exposure of two sick celebrities has exposed the corruption of many other individuals in society who are revered as role models.
Currently, I am being bullied, stalked and harassed by two celebrity brothers, Russell and Joseph Simmons, and one Atlanta DJ, Maria More because I have information regarding their involvement in a gang, which is really a very sleek well-oiled male sex ring (referred to as The D List on this blog) that is active across the Hip Hop, Sports, Film, TV and Entertainment industries. The Simmons are part of a larger entity which has its hands in drug trafficking, murder, rape, kidnapping, money laundering and other areas of corruption. They also have a nonprofit run by one more of their brothers which is a cover for their involvement in drug trafficking and other illegal interests.
The bullying started when they crossed the threshold of my apartment unlawfully, stole one of my journals and it has progressed from there. They orchestrate the bullying from behind the scenes. Then, they use others in your circle of influence including family members, friends, work associates and even strangers to bully, intimidate, manipulate and implement their instructions for them. Since the stalkers are members of the Elite (1%), filing a complaint with law enforcement will not help. Instead, the celebrity bullies are protected. Mainstream media does as its told by the Elite and will not cover this story so you won't hear about it on the evening news. This story has everything to do with why most celebrity deaths occur in increments of the number three and why they are often scripted, i.e. made to look like a suicide or an overdose.
Consider that in itself a HUGE red flag FOR YOU as a United States citizen. So, this is a grassroots effort. Please help me to get this story out to the masses. Tell it to everyone you know and together, let's do something about this issue. If you have kids, I'm speaking directly to you because this affects your family for generations. Do your own research. Here are several places to start: (1) Visit The Vigilant Citizen (2) Visit Counter Culture Mom (3) Listen to Understanding The Times radio program (4) Watch the docuseries The Truth Behind Hip Hop (5) Gather friends and family together to watch the revealing documentary Agenda: Grinding America Down (Pay attention to the charts associated with this film. See it for FREE on vimeo for a limited time.) (6)Direct your attention to this interview with filmaker Aaron Russo and (7) Visit former music industry insider Rebecca "Holly Hood" Scott's website .Also, check out these websites for additional information: Mind Control and Renee Pittman Mitchell Furthermore, increase your knowledge by doing an online study of this discussion: School of The Hebrews
Presently, both Russell and Joseph Simmons, who are very much into satanic worship, are on the speaking circuit visiting various churches and colleges including other continents. Their pattern is to jump on whatever's current. These old men are still involved in the Hip Hop community. Why? There’s a ready made audience of young people to tap into for all of their illegal ventures: rape, drugs and sex trafficking. Our young people are blinded by their celebrity images and thus, become targets, or prey. Our youth participate in celebrity fan clubs and street teams which double as a cover for all sorts of criminal activity including sex and drug trafficking. Satan, in the form of Russell and Joseph Simmons and many others, want the souls of our kids. By gaining their souls, our kids will keep this entity dressed in the lifestyle and status to which its grown accustomed to. Satan is not a character dressed in red with horns on its head. Satan is real and very often in the form of people we know and the entities we obey. While this operation is global, common everyday people just like you and I are part of it,too.
The bullies are on the covers of magazines, calculating deals, looking sane when they are very much predators, sociopaths and insane. Not only that, they have groomed their offspring to do the same kind of work. Their kids are now carrying the baton and influencing our kids. Some of the ways their members are identified are by wearing a cap with a certain logo like the one to the right, wearing a particular kind of suit (pinstriped) or shirt (checkered), wearing a certain kind of eyewear (nerdy), and wearing a particular haircut. (shaved head on one side) Their secret codes change over time usually because one becomes too recognizable. However, begin to observe you'll start to notice these too. Also, notice which celebrities are heavily into technology. Ashton Kutcher is one and Russell recently stepped in the ring with his company All Def Digital. Their goal is to take over our youth from one generation to the next generation. WAKE UP!
All it takes for this gang of bullies' plan to be implemented is one text or phone call and their bullying tactics are set into motion, acted out by the group's common everyday people under the direction of the upper elite. So, when a movie like Enemy of The State, billed as fiction, can show us what is capable of happening in this country, it means that it is already happening in real life. It's just a matter of time before what's happened to me will happen to your family, too. This is a violation and a betrayal which affects all of us, our kids and our families for generations. Please get involved. Start connecting the dots.
RAPE is prevalent in our culture and it exists across many arenas: Sports, Churches, The Military, Schools, and in Entertainment.
You have a right to know the Truth.
Randy Quaid and his wife are telling the Truth.
Celebrities are on the other team.
Jude 1:4
New King James Version (NKJV)
4 For certain men have crept in unnoticed,
who long ago were marked out for this condemnation,
ungodly men,who turn the grace of our God into lewdness
and deny the only Lord God[a] and our Lord Jesus Christ.
W A K E U P!
We are being raped too!
Their lives are not our lives.
Our lives are a big part of their "secret other world."
SIGN our Petition.
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