As children, we believe in Santa Claus. As teenagers, we believe in the American Dream. As adults, we wake up.
I am an ordinary person just like YOU, a vessel used by Jesus Christ,
to get THIS MESSAGE out to the masses. Isaiah 61:7-9 MSG
NOW is the time to W A K E U P.
Have you ever left your home and when you returned, it seemed as though something wasn't quite right, something was off and you got the strong feeling that someone had been inside of your home while you were away?
Have you ever had your journal stolen and its contents posted on social media, show up on a TV show or used in an interview?
Have you ever talked on your cell phone and then read the details of your conversation on social media?
Have you ever had someone approach you at a public place and quote words to you that were just mentioned prior to you leaving the house?
Have you ever had to get dressed in the dark or with bathroom mirrors covered and lights off because whatever clothing items you put on were discussed on social media?
Have you ever worn a flower in your hair and a pair of eyeglasses only to have those same items show up in your email via a daily positive message subscription?
Have you ever come home to find your refrigerator moved and the food you had inside of it rearranged from front to back?
Have you ever come home to find a grocery item that you put in the pantry the night before in your refrigerator?
Have you ever had someone come into your apartment or home while you are asleep, go through your purse and other personal belongings?
Have you ever requested a book at the library, pick it up and several pages of the book are dogearred as though someone wants you to read specific information?
These questions give you a glimpse of what my life has been like since 2009. To get a closer look, rent the movie Video Voyeur. It's a true story and quite similar to what I am experiencing. The cost of exposing information about celebrity involvement in a male rape club, drug trafficking ring and larger entity has come in the form of being on the receiving end of various bullying tactics such as being followed, having someone listen in on my phone conversations, hack my computer, enter my apartment, steal my journal, post its contents on social media, break in to my car, steal my stereo system, go through my purse, watch me as I bathe, sleep, read, pray and more. Since they are protected, the only recourse I have as a citizen of this nation, is to expose the celebrities who are behind it, their double lives and the entity behind all of it. It's a story about how God's exposure of two sick celebrities has exposed the corruption of many other individuals in society who are revered as role models.
Currently, I am being bullied, stalked and harassed by two celebrity brothers, Russell and Joseph Simmons, and one Atlanta DJ, Maria More because I have information regarding their involvement in a gang, which is really a very sleek well-oiled male sex ring (referred to as The D List on this blog) that is active across the Hip Hop, Sports, Film, TV and Entertainment industries. The Simmons are part of a larger entity which has its hands in drug trafficking, murder, rape, kidnapping, money laundering and other areas of corruption. They also have a nonprofit run by one more of their brothers which is a cover for their involvement in drug trafficking and other illegal interests.
The bullying started when they crossed the threshold of my apartment unlawfully, stole one of my journals and it has progressed from there. They orchestrate the bullying from behind the scenes. Then, they use others in your circle of influence including family members, friends, work associates and even strangers to bully, intimidate, manipulate and implement their instructions for them. Since the stalkers are members of the Elite (1%), filing a complaint with law enforcement will not help. Instead, the celebrity bullies are protected. Mainstream media does as its told by the Elite and will not cover this story so you won't hear about it on the evening news. This story has everything to do with why most celebrity deaths occur in increments of the number three and why they are often scripted, i.e. made to look like a suicide or an overdose.
Consider that in itself a HUGE red flag FOR YOU as a United States citizen. So, this is a grassroots effort. Please help me to get this story out to the masses. Tell it to everyone you know and together, let's do something about this issue. If you have kids, I'm speaking directly to you because this affects your family for generations. Do your own research. Here are several places to start: (1) Visit The Vigilant Citizen (2) Visit Counter Culture Mom (3) Listen to Understanding The Times radio program (4) Watch the docuseries The Truth Behind Hip Hop (5) Gather friends and family together to watch the revealing documentary Agenda: Grinding America Down (Pay attention to the charts associated with this film. See it for FREE on vimeo for a limited time.) (6)Direct your attention to this interview with filmaker Aaron Russo and (7) Visit former music industry insider Rebecca "Holly Hood" Scott's website .Also, check out these websites for additional information: Mind Control and Renee Pittman Mitchell Furthermore, increase your knowledge by doing an online study of this discussion: School of The Hebrews
Presently, both Russell and Joseph Simmons, who are very much into satanic worship, are on the speaking circuit visiting various churches and colleges including other continents. Their pattern is to jump on whatever's current. These old men are still involved in the Hip Hop community. Why? There’s a ready made audience of young people to tap into for all of their illegal ventures: rape, drugs and sex trafficking. Our young people are blinded by their celebrity images and thus, become targets, or prey. Our youth participate in celebrity fan clubs and street teams which double as a cover for all sorts of criminal activity including sex and drug trafficking. Satan, in the form of Russell and Joseph Simmons and many others, want the souls of our kids. By gaining their souls, our kids will keep this entity dressed in the lifestyle and status to which its grown accustomed to. Satan is not a character dressed in red with horns on its head. Satan is real and very often in the form of people we know and the entities we obey. While this operation is global, common everyday people just like you and I are part of it,too.
The bullies are on the covers of magazines, calculating deals, looking sane when they are very much predators, sociopaths and insane. Not only that, they have groomed their offspring to do the same kind of work. Their kids are now carrying the baton and influencing our kids. Some of the ways their members are identified are by wearing a cap with a certain logo like the one to the right, wearing a particular kind of suit (pinstriped) or shirt (checkered), wearing a certain kind of eyewear (nerdy), and wearing a particular haircut. (shaved head on one side) Their secret codes change over time usually because one becomes too recognizable. However, begin to observe you'll start to notice these too. Also, notice which celebrities are heavily into technology. Ashton Kutcher is one and Russell recently stepped in the ring with his company All Def Digital. Their goal is to take over our youth from one generation to the next generation. WAKE UP!
All it takes for this gang of bullies' plan to be implemented is one text or phone call and their bullying tactics are set into motion, acted out by the group's common everyday people under the direction of the upper elite. So, when a movie like Enemy of The State, billed as fiction, can show us what is capable of happening in this country, it means that it is already happening in real life. It's just a matter of time before what's happened to me will happen to your family, too. This is a violation and a betrayal which affects all of us, our kids and our families for generations. Please get involved. Start connecting the dots.
RAPE is prevalent in our culture and it exists across many arenas: Sports, Churches, The Military, Schools, and in Entertainment.
You have a right to know the Truth.
Randy Quaid and his wife are telling the Truth.
Celebrities are on the other team.
Jude 1:4
New King James Version (NKJV)
4 For certain men have crept in unnoticed,
who long ago were marked out for this condemnation,
ungodly men,who turn the grace of our God into lewdness
and deny the only Lord God[a] and our Lord Jesus Christ.
W A K E U P!
We are being raped too!
Their lives are not our lives.
Our lives are a big part of their "secret other world."
SIGN our Petition.
Gangs (not the kind you think)
If you’ve ever seen the movie, Takers, the gang in that movie was sleek, slick, polished and looked like everyday regular Joes. So, I ask this question, who is the highest paid gang around? The answer may surprise you. MALE CELEBRITIES. They are slick, polished to the point that most people don't even believe that they would be a part of a gang whose duty requires them to keep the rape secrets of Hollywood and Entertainment's old guard. As members of this gang, they help the good old boy network continue raping from one generation to the next. Actor Randy Quaid and his wife have also spoken out about this kind of gang which exists in Hollywood made up of accountants, agents, and many others. The Quaids warn other celebrities during this interview including Lindsay Lohan.
Think about it this way. Very often, we hear stories about women who had to sleep with this director or that person to land a part. That is a very good distraction to keep the eyes off of those males who are a part of the good old boy network and who are very much into a homosexual lifestyle. They live double lives. In fact, some may be married, divorced or single and a part of this gang. These kinds of gangs have tentacles in every industry from music, movies, sports, media, megachurches, religious communities, education, fashion, financial, unions, nonprofits, etc. Their power does not lie in having power. Their power lies in their abuse of power and conniving ability to deceive the public. They create illusions. Afterall, isn't that what show business is about? This entity has kept their feet on the necks of nearly every industry suffocating the air out of it and the people in it. They play god, worship Satan, and deliberately wreak havoc among the masses. Their members rank from the elite, celebrity, aristocrat to the average person whom they can bribe, buy, or sell to get done whatever it is they want done to whomever. The question then becomes are you for sale?
With the kind of culture we have been led to follow which is one of fast paced, obtaining the fancy lifestyle and bling, there is no wonder that bullying, rape and other mad behavior is not only allowed but tolerated. Then, it's swept under the rug and becomes just another dirtly little sThere are rapes in the military as the documentary The Invisible War exposes. Recent headlines of the Jerry Sandusky case exposes rape in sports. Actor John Travolta's recent news story is just one of the latest in a laundry list of men who are keeping the secret and living double lives. So, rape in the music industry is only following the pattern of what's already been set up. Have we become the secret keepers? Rape has become the elephant in the room of our society today.
And, should one of their gang members try to alert the masses, we have seen example after example of those they will have the media attempt to take down off of the public pedastal causing the invidual to spiral out of control. From the likes of Dave Chappelle, Michael Jackson, Tupac, Whitney Houston, DMX and currently, Katt Williams. The observation of this has caused me to ask some random questions. Maybe, you have, too. Rebecca Scott's recent interview on radio station WPIR addresses these questions head on.
Remember what it felt like when you found out that there really wasn’t a Santa Claus? What do the movies "Enemy of The State", "The Adjustment Bureau", and "The Truman Show" have in common? The Celebrity Cyber Bullying Ring I originally stumbled across is, in fact, part of a larger entity that unbeknownst to me and to you, Joe & Jane Public, is responsible for making our lives and this world fair game. Whether you choose to believe the following or not is your choice. I have no reason to lie about this and it's certainly not something that I could make up or imagine on my own. It's monumental and the reason I am so digilently trying to spread the word about this is because it affects more than just me. It affects all of us.
While connecting the dots of my own story, one of me being bullied, stalked, and harassed for the past three years by Joseph Simmons, aka Reverend Run, and his brother, father Russell Simmons of daughters Ming and Aoki Lee Simmons. I was led to my local library to get knowledge, information, and research. Although a physical and at times, mazelike search, it has led me to this conclusion: what many may have described as a conspiracy theory or a rumor is, in fact, true. The only way I would know this is because of what has happened to me. I am an ordinary person whom God has chosen to use. And, as writer M.K. Asante, Jr. states “when you make an observation you have an obligation to do something.” I agree. Since these bullies have caused a violative invasion of my life, it is my duty and moral obligation to expose them and the entity they are connected to for what it truly is: EVIL.
The Push
One example to consider is the mass push from analog to digital TV. Why, and for what purpose? Better yet, what were the reasons the public was instructed to do this or else? Think about the fact that there is a cable TV box, DVR, or Wii™ game console in nearly every home in this country alone. By having one of these items in your home, does it make you a viable target to spy on whenever necessary? Could a camera have been placed inside of each of these items and shipped directly to your home? You bet!
Another example is Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), aka Digital or Internet Phone service which is a technology that allows you to make voice calls using a broadband Internet connection instead of a regular (or analog) phone line. This means that your telephone is connected to your computer and/or router all of the time. And, what does that mean for you and your family? It means the conversations that go on in your home at any time can be listened to, hacked, or spied on. It means that you, yes you, and your family are indeed, FAIR GAME.
A current example of another push on the public is the smartphone and every upgrade, accessory and gadget that accompanies unknown to man. Think about it. Are all of these gadgets ploys to get us addicted to iinformation and keep us head down while the powers that are run circles around us? Your information: every keystroke, every click of the mouse, every degree you adjust your thermostat or program your radio is currency. Singer Sting penned a song, "Every Breath You Take." It's true. This is The Truman Show.
An article in Popular Mechanics magazine looks closely at how we have become a surveillance state and what to do when digital spies come for you. We are gradually being misled and manipulated yet as a society we respond to it as normal. Freedom is not nor will it ever be free. It’s bought, sold, cleverly disguised, and spoon fed to us in the commercial advertisements, music videos, and television programs we watch on that dunce box called TV. It’s disguised in the programmed music we hear on the radio. It’s concealed in the latest technological gadget we have been told we should buy to make life easier, faster, portable, and smarter. It’s disguised in any and every facet of this world that you can think of from the meaning behind a corporation’s logo, sororities, fraternities, social organizations you are a part of to the board members who support your children’s school and its mascot. And, for what reason, so that an entity’s own arrogant belief that it is god and will be able to control the world? They are currently controlling more than one can even begin to imagine. Think about this for a moment. Be open to the possibility that this exists. Do your own research. Ask questions. Ask lots of them. Author J. California Cooper says, “Wrong things can destroy your life. Look around.” Although we are seeing the physical manifestations of war abroad, this is a war on American soil that has many spiritual layers. Get Knowledge. Take Action.
Celebrity $ellouts
Since, we do it to ourselves, we do it to each other, and we help them do it to us, Joseph Simmons, aka Reverend Run of rap group RUN-DMC, TV Show “Run’s House,” known as @RevRunWisdom on Twitter, and his brother, Hip Hop front man, Russell Simmons, are not off the hook by any means. They continue to bully, harass, stalk, and threaten. They continue to sit on and Twitter pulling the wool over the eyes of countless young people about their gay sexual lifestyles, about their positions, about their ties within and to this entity while purporting timely quotes and inspirational rhetoric. As of this date, they are stalking me, exploiting my friends and my family. They appear to be untouchable by earthly law enforcement at this time. However, what they fail to realize is that they are only “peon puppet” piranhas in a sea of piranhas. Nothing lasts forever and they should not be fooled. They can very easily be bought, sold, and replaced with the deal done before they fully sees or believes it. Haven't the two of you gotten the memo yet? Hold On. It's coming.
Not only are there enough reasons and unending proof regarding thedeaths of two of the Hip Hop exceptional professionals, Shakir Stewart and Chris Lighty (plus countless others including Jam Master Jay, Tupac and Biggie) that lead back to ties to The Simmons' orchestration and involvement. Both men supposedly died the same way because of suicides or at least that's what's been scripted. Just like a criminal coming back to the scene of the crime, these fools, The Simmons, don't realize that not all people forget. The similarities in both of these cases are like identical twins. However, knowing the sociopathic pattern, satanic worship, sacrifice and demonic history of the Simmons which is screaming so loudly around the globe leads to a difference of opinions about the reported circumstances. Many know it to be true. Few can speak on it. Take a look and see when was the last full moon. The Simmons still manage to believe that they are young bucks in Hip Hop. Yet, those days have come and gone but perish the thought that another person could positively surpass what they did in Hip Hop and make history, too. Those two young professionals sure did. Still, like The Guiness Book of World Records, more will follow. Then, what?
Remember how telephone companies, Southwestern Bell and Pac Bell held the monopolies on phone service in the United States for decades ? And what about, the cable service monopoly in the television industry before satellite TV became available? Russell and Joseph Simmons along with a plethora of others from corporate suits to self promoting hustlers have held the Hip Hop industry and its artists by the balls for decades. In doing so, the world loses good human beings and the power trip allows The Simmons and the kinds of people they associate with to go on to do other things like bully women, rape men and in a sad repeat of history, kill another industry insider the same way they did just four short years ago. The bigger question is why are The Simmons able to get away with it and at what price? While law enforcement is tasked with looking the other way, there is someone Greater who does not. Perhaps, Hip Hop is an industry which will have to implode on itself. Maybe, when there is no more money to be made from it or when it's been exploited to the fullest depths, then there will be a change. Right now, too many people of all shades and from various backgrounds are raping and taking advantage of it.
Further research has led me to question some of the things I have come across. For example, Google Russell Simmons' terms of divorce. Child support amounts to the tune of $20,000.00 per child. Then, his visits with the children have to be supervised. Are your anttenas up? Are you listening? Did you just read the same thing I read? Bravo to Kimora Lee. She is definitely one smart woman.
Then, there's the infamous RushCard credit card. Take a look at this video: RUSHCARD: How Russell Simmons Robs The Black Community He is raping the poor. Be wary especially at during income tax season. It's a ploy to get more of your money. I urge you if you are using it, or you know someone who is, advise them to stop. These boys are carnivorous.
I recall watching the ceremony when RUNDMC was inducted into The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Thoughts of Jam Master Jay entered my mind. RIP. According to the book, "The Big Payback" what Rev Run said about Jay at his funeral left a lot to be desired in the role of compassion for a fellow group member. Was his death orchestrated by The Simmons? And, of course, more research led me to discover that DMC dealt with depression. Again, are you reading this? Yet, the Simmons thugs and company are still going at it. These imps have literally and figuratively screwed people in and out of the industry for a long time. And, they brag about this. They are the kind of men who will pay someone to take a "hit" out on your life. They are the kind of men who will pay someone to set you up for them. They are the kind of predators who will watch as you pull your underwear down and use the restroom, remove your robe to take a shower and dry off. They are the kind of men who will have a neighbor maintenance person to dig inside of your laundry hamper to smell your underwear or go through your purse. Then make a comment about it on social media. For example, both of these men paid someone to enter the apartments or homes where I lived, steal my journal and get it to them. Then, they posted personal entries from my journal on Twitter. To this day, I have not gotten my journal back. However, they are using information from my journal to enlist the help of my friends and family to bully me with it.
Sociopaths. Voyeurs. Predators. They don't care. They have no compassion. They've sold their souls to satan. Hence, the reason there is no soul. I once heard a speaker describe a sociopath is like a papertowel roll with no core center. Ego driven, sociopathic, narccissistic are all words that come to mind when I look back at the stained legacy these two males have left on the world. They have fooled the masses and abused their peers. They are masterminds at creating and duplicating scenarios for evil and for harm. If only they'd use their smarts for helping poeple instead of for harm, maybe they'd get what they so desperately want. However, with all of the dirt they've done and to so many people both famous and unknown, there are too many who want to see them pay their debt to society. God will have the final say about The Simmons. They have held me and my family in their prison for far too long. For some family members, they enjoy being with others who are just like them. Codependent, and sociopathic. May God have mercy on their souls. They will need Him. God is not pleased. He is not pleased.
One individual who is in the know about this sex ring and, quite frankly, is the third bully in this experience is Atlanta based radio announcer, Maria Collins, aka Maria More. Back in 2009, I noticed that two of the people I followed on Twitter, Maria More and Nikki Woods, a producer for The Tom Joyner Morning Show, had quite an online Twitter beef going on with Revrunwisdom. Since I followed both of them, their comments showed up in my timeline. They, too, spoke in a secret code language often using the last word of a tweet as the overall message or capitalizing one specific word which stood as the real coded message to the person they were speaking to. At other times, they’d use three dots after a certain word in their tweets or they used one of the words someone else had used in a recent tweet in their own series of tweets to get the coded message across. They didn't address each other directly using the @ sign as Twitter subscribers do. However, between Revrun's popular quotations and Maria's counter quotes back, there was an intimacy present.
I recall one specific conversation where Maria More accused Revrun of acting like the Wizard of Oz and telling him to come out from behind the curtain. I found that rather interesting. Since they are both married, I wondered what the extent of their relationship was. Maria Moore has since had several Twitter name changes since this whole thing started. She’s made her account private, then public and back again. She’s changed Twitter names from MyMariaMore, MariaMoreDotCom or some variation of it numerously over the past three years. She presents herself as a positive inspirational woman. However, her undercover and behind the scenes actions are far from it. She has a pivotal role in this drama as well. There is certainly a vested interest presented by all of them. I began to notice constant bickering and banter going back and forth among all of them and realized that there is no honor among thieves.So, I did the next best thing. I un- followed both Maria Moore and Nikki Woods.
It wasn’t until recently on June 3, 2012 that I was able to put more pieces together when I realized that Maria Moore had been listening in to a discussion that I was having with my immediate family at my mother’s home when I noticed that one of her tweets on that date focused on the exact subject that my family and I had been discussing. Her Twitter timeline revealed a response to not just one but all of our discussions from haircare to our family childhood memories. Veiled under the disguise of loving the Martin Lawrence show, her coded and veiled messages spoke loudly. Apparently, Maria Moore, like her rival, Revrun, has been listening in for quite some time. Who or what do they possibly have in common and why are they so hell bent on bullying and targeting me? She speaks of positivity but is she too wearing a mask? Is Maria More a participant in this sex ring? Perhaps she was one of the females who participated in the group orgies and other lewd acts from turning on the webcam every night after her spouse and kids are asleep to particpate in live group action to swinging. Maybe she was rejected by both Russell and Joseph Simmons and has taken the attitude if you can't beat them, join them. So, she allows herself to be prosituted mentally, physically and emotionally. It's apparent that she continues to do her own share of bullying too. Does she have knowledge of this group's existence, too? ABSOLUTELY. Did she, by way of integrity, do anything to stop them from continuing their bullying game when they started to bully me? No. What about when she realized they were bullying me? Did she contact me to warn me? No. Yet, this girl knows my every move. She knows me as well as author Dan Charnas knows Russell Simmons. Add to that my journal and she along with The Simmons are using my family members to get to me. She listens in on conversations inside of our home then gives her take about what she heard on social media. Obviously, her moral compass and sense of integrity failed. Instead, she lives a fake like with a trophy husband while she longs for unrequited lust aptly fitting for a scorned woman.
The Influence
So, this operation is larger and deeper than what it appears. The two of these thugs and their crew are latent rapists for what they have done and are continuing to do to the Hip Hop industry(See the DVD “It’s A Damn Shame”). The flagrant, sick, and vile, corners they deceptively force artists to back into in order to have what they deem as a “successful music career” is only another spin around the rotating plantation of slavery to satisfy their salacious desires, malevolent rituals, and wicked traditions for profitable gain. Read the lyrics to Lupe Fiasco’s song, “The Show Goes On”, Mos Def’s “The Rape Over”, or Raphaal Sadiqq’s “The Answer.” Most compelling is the recent announcement of rapper Lil B’s “I’m Gay” album cover:
which is already stirring up controversy and shedding more light about what it really takes to get a record deal today and what truly goes on behind the scenes in the music industry with its deliberate tongue-in-cheek play on words and thinly veiled use of comedic sarcasm. Is Lil B trying to get a message out to the public? It’s quite obvious that some music artists have been trying to tell us what has been going on for a very long time. Some of us have been “too entertained” to really hear them or to care. It’s understandable, now, why some artists are not as commercially successful as other artists and opt to record independently away from these warmonger record company rapists. Many artists cannot speak out to tell the truth of what has happened to them but their actions prove that something did: drugs, nervous breakdown, shaving heads, on a major intersection weilding a gun, the appearance of going crazy as described by the media. However, I am not in the industry. I can sound the alarm and I will continue to do so because of what I've experienced.
Both of these boys have humongous followings on Twitter and Facebook. Do the research for yourself and then, you decide. THINK! If they are capable of doing what I am reporting, then, consider this: what else have they done that has yet to be reported? What lengths will their humongous egos cause them to go to? They do not want this information out. Yet, the longer you follow them, support their endeavors from clothing, credit cards, cologne, etc. , you are supporting rapists. You are building their empires. And, they are laughing at you, your family, and your kids all the way to the bank.
Author Diana Booher says that “People often tell us exactly how they need to be helped if we only take the time to listen.” I prefer to add two powerful words to that statement. People often tell and show us exactly how they need to be helped if we only take the time to listen and to watch their actions. Look at the entertainment industry. Notice the gestures, hand signals, and body language. Are many celebrities using the same buzzwords as though they are all reading from the same script? THEY ARE!!!! Many of these subtle cues are all a part of a manipulation intentionally designed to deceive the masses, you and me, the working class, the public. Think about who are the some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry today. And, guess what, our kids are emulating them. Likewise, with the same manner of extreme lengths that you would go to protect your family is the same extreme lengths that this entity will attempt to go to protect their dirty secrets. WAKE UP!!! We are voluntarily being kept in bondage .
Should your child or grandchild desire to become an actor/actress, musician, or entertainer, doesn’t he or she have a right to get it right, to do it right, to make us all proud as opposed to continuing a false legacy built on deceit, exploitation, manipulation, humiliation, and degradation? Don’t our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren have a right to “make it” simply by being who they brilliantly are: THEMSELVES. No more, no less. Nothing added, not Botoxed, pimped, brainwashed, duped, or deceived.
The country we live in is said to be a democracy. How can it be when the powers that be are into Mass Puppetry? Has your governmen fooled you? Will you continue to be a puppet easily fed the continuous bowls of cleverly disguised alphabet soup called Entertainment (i.e. reality TV, videos, mental programming/brainwashing, and music)? Aren’t you tired having it shoved down your throats? (Various versions of the Scripted Daily News repeated to adnauseum) Aren’t you tired giving lip service to the words change the world?
"None but ourselves can free our minds"
a line from Bob Marley's "Redemption Song", utters the stance that we have got to come to the realization and acceptance, that we MUST take matters into our own hands. There is no other choice when so many of our governmental agencies are active members of this entity. Discover it for yourself. Make it a summer family project and include your kids. Do your own research. See what results you come up with. We’ve come together using grassroots measures in the past. Certainly, we can do it again, for good.
This entity would have us to believe that once you sell your dignity, you cannot buy it back. I believe that my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who died for my sins, can. And, He did and still does. I am living proof! Never in my lifetime have I seen His hand move so succinctly throughout my life and the lives of countless others in order to fulfill His purposes and His plans than I have with this experience for such a time as this: NOW. I’ve seen His careful orchestration of each and every detail to bring me right here to this point to share my story with you. So, what can one ordinary person do?
The Call
Recently, I heard an officer of Law Enforcement state that there is no privacy in a home. Those words resonated with me like a pair of loud clanging cymbals in a marching band. The movie "Enemy of The State" is real. Believe me, if they've made a movie about it, it's already being done. Turn off the dunce box (TV) and hit these industries in a monetary way where they can really feel it, radical change will come. It has to. Our legacy is at stake here. Then, the question becomes who’s ruling who? Ask questions about everything from the clothes/clothing labels your kids wear, the Wii™ games they buy, applications they download to their phones, the music they listen to, the people and celebrities they friend on FaceBook, or follow on Twitter. Use discernment. Get the gems that you need for your own journey. Then, take action. Pay it forward. Pass this information on to everyone.
The time is here! The time is now! We’ve been asleep and heavily entertained for far too long. Let’s wake up strong like a cup of coffee ready to implement massive radical change. Then, we can smile and take the picture ourselves because we are the ones holding the camera. And, this time, our intentions are for good and for a better future for those who will come after us.
The Revolution Begins Now. And now, means LIVE.
Take the first step.
For media inquiries and details on the forthcoming books:
It’s Like That: Celebrity Bullies, Music and Culture
Conversation: TWEET! Navigating Your Way through the Secret Underworld of Social Media
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @convopeace1 or @tellourkids1
*My Twitter name has changed numerously as well as my stalkers use their celebrity to buy corporate entities such as Twitter to have my accounts closed in an effort to suppress this information.
Additional Resources:
*DVD: “It’s A Damn Shame”-
*Lenon Honor - 9-11 Ticker, Media Manipulation 101
*Evil in the Music Industry
*Interesting breakdown of today’s music videos - - his article explaining what this entity is
and his youtube channel -
*Commentaries, Articles and Videos:
-The Doggstar
-EX Ministries Official FaceBook Page -
The Truth Behind Hip Hop DVDs and Book
-Daghettotymz - The real meaning behind Fraternities/Sororities and their connection to this entity
Stories by Others Who Have Had The Same or Similar Kind of Experience:
Angela Whitterson - BOOK: In Control Like Janet
Angelique Lachelle - Orlando Community Issues Examiner or Email: [email protected]
(No longer active) BLOG:
Movie: True story
Video Voyeur: The Susan Wilson Story a true story & Lifetime TV movie
Previous Press Releases
#1: Celebrity Cyber Bullying Ring Turns Tables on Fans
#2: Smile, You’re on the Camera of a Celebrity Cyber Bullying Ring
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