After writing my previous post about the profile of a sociopath and a rapist, it got me thinking a whole lot about the mind of a bully and a stalker. Sometimes, a group of men can be more catty and cunning than women. Sometimes, an individual can act out when they are desperately in need of help.
After watching the Harlem Book Festival, I requested a book from the library, The Big Payback The History of the Business of Hip-Hop by Dan Charnas. At 672 pages, I can't wait to sink my teeth into it. I flipped through the book looking at various items and quotes. And, I came across this one that nearly jumped off the page to get my attention.
It was a quote by my stalker while at the funeral of his former Dee Jay.
"You ask: Why murder? Well Jason was a dramatic DJ. He couldn't just leave without drama, so why not murder? I believe that this is Jason's biggest hit ever."
Words. Chips. Pictures. Blood. Guilt. Hands. Fall. Sometimes it isn't what one says but, rather what one can't say that sucks the air out of every room one enters including the room of one's own mind with leechlike stamina. No matter what one does or tries to do, it permeates the air one breathes, infiltrates every pore, nostril and follicle. It cannot be shaken loose, lost or gotten rid of. Acting out merely becomes a means of expressing what one cannot say and also, a measure of coping with that REALity. And, with that, I suppose you'll have to read the book to gain the full perspective.
On 8/12/11, Joseph Simmons created the following trending topic on
#NoOneWouldBelieveMe - if I told you anyway...
Is this a confession of guilt? Has he gotten away with murder?
As for me, now, I certainly do understand how timing is everything and more.
UPDATED 9/5/12 Just four years later a Killer Strikes Again.