My previous post I asked for prayer for the retaliation that I am getting from my stalkers for exposing their homosexuality and human sex slave trading to the masses.
They are using my immediate family members to get their jobs done.
Now, remember my stalkers stole my journal so they have information that they share and get my immediate family members to do for them in exchange for drugs, money, or to simply add to their bullying tactics.
The same chemical smell that lulled me to a deep sleep in the apartments is now found in my mother’s home. It’s in the blankets and pillows that I use.
A trending topic was created regarding something on my phone. So, obviously someone in my family had access to my personal belongings while I was asleep. This is the same kind of move from the apartment living---when someone was coming into my apartment while I slept.
Obviously for them to resort to this kind of retaliation for this duration of time, they feel very threatened. And rightly so. They should. I have information about their lives that will affect their futures.
From attending church to going to a store, I return to my car to find it entered. One time I returned to find it hot on a cool breezy day. Someone entered and pulled the passenger side door just slightly to let me know they had been inside of my car and the light on the passenger door generated heat from being pulled.
This morning as I put bags in the car, an elderly gentleman just happened to be strolling down the street. He walked in front of the house. I said hello to him several times. He looked directly at me and did not part his lips. Guess what kind of hat he was wearing? You got it the same one that my stalkers use as code for their celebrity sex club.
Your attempts at intimidation do not work. Your attempts to frustrate me I have learned is your pattern. Hacking into a radio station that I listen to or broadcasting a commercial relative to something a family member uses or I use doesn’t work. Your attempts to make others believe that I have lost my mind are frankly tricks of satan. It does not work.
You made the decision to bring this to me the day that black EscaladeJ(the limo of the Elite) parked at my apartment complex and your lookout did just what you told him. Be very aware that you are getting exposed whether you like it or not. You cannot control this. Jesus Christ has it covered from every angle. Haven’t you noticed?
No media entity has touched this story. Do you know why? No law enforcement agency has touched this story. Can you guess why? Yet, my stalkers continue to bully, harass, and try their best to frustrate me.
You cannot outrun God. No matter how hard you try unless, of course, you think you are beyond God. And, these low lives believe they are god. Once again proving that their level of intelligence is equal to their penis size: short, miniscule and repulsive.
Today is a national holiday. We honor Martin Luther King, Jr. Share this blog with someone.
God is all over this. Many of the people and their resources I share on here particularly those in relation to the Hip Hop industry, I did not know. Our paths have been divinely appointed to work in collaboration to get this truth out to the masses. Please support them as well. Their information is revealing and important for this particular time in history.
He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.
~Martin Luther King, Jr.
Are you accepting evil, protesting against it or numbed to it?