Attention: New York Police Department, any and all other Law Enforcement Agencies across the USA. Please help. There are many famous brothers. Smothers, Gaither, Murphy, Wayans. This is not about them. This is about the Simmons Boys and information regarding their connection to the following:
- CyberBullying
- CyberStalking
- Stalking
- Bullying
- Threats
- Drugs
- Kidnapping
- Murder
- Hits
- Money Laundering
- Exploitation
- Extortion
- Aiding and Abetting
- Bribery
- Racketeering
- Vehicle Tampering
- Wiretapping
- Unlawful Entry
- Arson
- Computer Hacking
- Instruction on the usage of a chemical inside a residence to pose harm, danger, or death
Simple liberties you may take for granted like getting up in the morning, using the bathroom, bathing, showering and getting dressed I used to have. Since I have been stalked for the past two years by the aforementioned, I no longer know what having those liberties is like. Things like sitting outside, enjoying the breeze, and talking to a family member is no longer the way it used to be. Now, there are audio devices present to capture our every word. What about driving your car, singing along to your favorite songs. Gone. Because, the next day, my stalkers will have someone in my Twitter time line to post a lyric from the song. Or how about writing in a journal? That used to literally be a integral part of my morning routine. However, since one of my journals was stolen and entries posted on Twitter, that is gone. Because as I've changed to numerous journals, they are viewed and the stalker instructs his puppet to crease the pages inside of my journal or any other item he can crease the same way I crease a duplicate check in my checkbook. Hence, leaving a calling card to let me know he's been through my personal belongings once again.
This situation follows me everywhere I go from eating at a restaurant, attending a funeral, to going to a store. I was just in a bookstore on yesterday reading in the magazine section. My phone was turned off. A gentleman walks up, past the registers, and comes to the magazine section. He asks if they carry a Houston newspaper. Now, I just returned from Houston Sunday. Another time, I had just purchased a "For Dummies" book on-line. I was at the bookstore again reading when a man takes the seat across from me. He's reading a "For Dummies" book. When he leaves, he doesn't take it with him. He leaves the book on the table.
At a funeral I attended recently in California, I left my flat shoes in front of my seat in the car placed together. When I returned to the car, my shoes were now apart from each other in front of my seat with the funeral program placed underneath the left shoe.
This is more than a coincidence. One time out of three or five, yes. Seventeen and more times than I can count. It is now deliberate, intentional, malicious.
After reading the book, Mogul, I have come to understand that there's an image one must ascribe to in the Hip Hop community. One must have a trophy girl/wife to hide his true identity or lifestyle. So, take for example, Calashi Bryant or Calashi Gipson as known in some circles. She is selected by a group of peers to be sure she's the right fit. She keeps the secret for the crew. And, in fact, she may engage in the lewd practices of the group, like posing for the web camera or cameras located in her residence for all of the crew to view. There appears to be a lot of passing around of partners, too. So, she's got to be ride or die. She may call in a favor by having someone she knows to cause a car accident to prove her devotion to the crew. CHECK! And, therefore, makes her an accessory to criminal activity and mischief. If she's smart, she makes sure the deal is a win/win for her career, too. So, getting money to attend, let's say, acting school or tickets to a movie premiere, etc. is just one of the "so called" added perks. DONE! Of course, if she were asked, she'll tell you that she isn't a part of this kind of activity whatsoever. Truth is, most people have a price. Ask her to tell you that in$tead. Either way, she's a pawn until the next trophy girl is propositioned and in line to replace her. The trophy girl is coached, mentored, taken under the wing of The Simmons Boys. She's a puppet. She's taken the oath and has to hold up her end of the deal in order to advance.
I have experienced times where I left a message on myspace only to see my exact message posted word-for-word by the trophy girl on Twitter. Or if I am in conversation with someone and the conversation is recorded, her coach will pass the information along to her and she'll beat me to the punch by using it in some manner before I do. Coached. It's been quoted that imitation really is the highest form of flattery. And, circumstances do make the wo/man. For example, sneaking in to an arena, like the Staples Center, to present a celebrity with a gift and kindly being escorted out by security. What kind of character does this type of behavior reveal? The ability to be a chameleon and the stupidity to believe that you're so awesome that you won't get caught. Smart: not so much. Still, one can tell when someone is being fed information to use at just the appropriate time to advance his master's agenda. Attempts to reach out to her to warn her about my experience and to find out if she had experienced the same were met with her stating that she knew what the moderators of two fan clubs were doing and calling me crazy. Yet, she, like the moderators, did nothing to spread the word about it to others and had no problem using the fan club to advance her career. They all act under the guise of positivity, truthfulness, friendship and camaraderie when they are all about lies, deception and selfish motives.
Now, I've been in fan clubs before. When a fan club is run by a management company, the attention is on the celebrity. However, when a fan club is run by an individual who is just like everyone else-- a fan, too, the focus is on the individual instead of the celebrity. The moderator then becomes the celebrity and members of the club are 20 inches from fame via the moderator. The moderator becomes godlike so to speak. And there will always be sheep to lead because the celebrity is constantly getting new fans which means more fame for the moderator. In this instance, the moderator apparently along with a host of other individuals doing the same screen the incoming members and know who to get what from, who to manipulate or who not to. The moderator is a predator, too. There is already a stigma placed on women being catty, competitive and insecure. In this instance, it's true.
#yeahyourelosing #theykissed A few of those topics are current as of this morning. But these are the kinds of people who are sociopathic, maniacal, and desperate. And, because of their demonic possession, they not only dig for gold but, for the very essence of your soul. They are clutching straws and pickup sticks trying to come up with the next thing they can do to get their desires met so that their agenda for someone else's life is in place. Last time I checked, God had not changed his name. So, the public is none the wiser and believes the image they are presented. Little do they know all that goes down behind the scenes.
From what I can tell, Joseph Simmons has something to do come 11:0o pm EST. Then, he resurfaces at 6:00 am EST. During his time away, which doesn't necessarily mean he's asleep; he could be found worshipping Satan, reciting demonic chants, or wreaking havoc on others. Remember, vampires sleep during the day. However, in the interim, he has his thugs to hack in to the radio airwaves of any radio station anywhere in the world. Often, it just happens to be a radio station that I am listening to. Well, with the exception of Christian radio. They hack in to and manipulate the station playlists. They use the song titles to communicate with each other and to stalk their prey. For example, song titles such as "Take Off Your Shirt", "Call Me Back", "Two Against One", "Don't Play No Game That I Can't Win", "This Love Is Over", and" Get Down On It." They combine these practices with the set up they already have in place on Twitter and WhattheTrend.com to bully and stalk.
The brothers (boys) will enlist the help of the latest trophy girl, his crew, and others to things for them such as: do dirt, commit crimes, , determine where you are, enter your parked car, take your car for a joyride, enter your home, and go through your personal belongings. Then, have them find out your next move and bribe someone to be at your destination waiting on you. It doesn't matter where it is, be it the library, a funeral, a store, or your own neighborhood. They have members across the globe. Even a "regular buster" is a viable candidate to accept his bribe and to peform whatever ruthless action he instructs. It's quick, easy money. Then, come 6:00am, the process starts all over again.
They also manipulates a person's Twitter account, other social media outlets, and web sites to put their own message on it. They may post a tweet and picture with specific wording. Or force the account owner to post what they direct. In the past, some examples have been Library Lady, Hoely Bible. These demonic possessed boys will do whatever they feel necessary in order to have absolute monarchy.
What's interesting is that both of these boys have kids. Some in music and entertainment. Who did their kids have to screw, lick, chew, suck, bite to get in? What rituals and rites of passage did they have to perform? Did they get a pass? And, even more interesting is the terms of the divorce especially with regard to the kids. If you haven't already, read it for yourself. Then, you too, will understand. By the way, check the trending topics. Now, there's #whenihavekids. These topics change more than underwear.
Consider this. What if the brothers' kids decide that they no longer choose to follow in the lifestyle footsteps of their fathers? Will they be held against their will until their fathers decide to let them go? Or, maybe the fathers will seek ransom money and sell their kids to the highest bidder for the price of an anus. Really, are these boys showing their kids that this is how it's done in entertainment? For real.
You have done everything you could to try to break my spirit. But God's spirit is alive in me and the reason that I AM STILL STANDING: He's been faithful. He has angels all around working on his behalf. He knows everything there is to know about you already including how this will end. He speaks. I listen. Quite frankly and with confirmation, it's you who should be very afraid. God will not be mocked. And boys, newsflash for you, you are not God.
So, the show goes on. Until God stops all of you. And, He will. God's ways are so much more than you or I can fathom. Look around. You should realize that everything you've tried has not worked. By continuing to do what you are doing, you reinforce the definition of insanity. And, you definitely make a very good example.
Boys and Girls. Put your helmets on and fasten your seatbelts. You might just want to adjust your baseball cap and fidgit with your watch. Never believe the hype - especially your own. It's going down. It's only a matter of time.