Answer this question: What’s worst a scorned heterosexual female or scorned homosexual males who are bullies, afraid to come out of the closet, voyeurs and sociopaths?
My stalkers are exactly that: Homosexual (but afraid to come out of the closet publically for fear it may ruin their careers; like being known for being a rapist won't ruin it), Bullies, ( eager to show their faces when it comes to what's popular), Voyeurs, (watching the public through the DVR box in nearly every home in this country) and honing in on your phone conversations through the cable bundle, VOIP(voice over Internet protocol service) or fiber optic routers.
Were you just like me and thought that when you heard people talk about the beast, that it was a physical monster like from a movie with the numbers 666 on its forehead? I sure did. Maybe we all thought that way because that’s how it was presented to us. I thought the same way about Satan, red pitchfork and all.
What about the antichrist? Did you think it was one person with the number 666 on its head too? Again, I sure did. As I grew older and began to study The Bible more, now I realize that the antichrist and the beast are one in the same. They are on the same team. The antichrist is not a single person. It is a group consisting of numerous people from celebrities to members of social clubs and organizations that make up the entire entity. Their satanic belief and study of numerology is where the 666 comes from. And you can visit www.thedogstarr.com for more information on the thorough detailed study that he’s done regarding this topic. These folks are out to take over the world. They want to eliminate the poor and create a new world of superior people. Yes, this is for real. Hence, the 1% of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Most of these folks are brainwashed and have had some sort of mind control done to them to believe what their masters are telling them about creating this new world. Some don’t.
Look at it this way:
Level One: the combined poor (which now includes the middle class)
Level Two: Everyone else (which means the rich)
Where are you? Your family? Your friends?
The 1% needs us to keep up the greatest illusion ever carried out.
A quick glance at today's headlines and political agenda: censorship of the Internet, (deliberately designed to prevent blogs like this one from exposing the truth to the masses) same sex marriages, greed, taxes, no taxes for the rich of course or assisting them when they file for bankruptcy. Our political and world system are turned upside down. Isn't that interesting that it is the reverse of what God says. It always is. Why in a country where corporate suits fly on charter jets are there still hungry children in America? Why are there homeless people in America? Wake up. It's a sign of the times.
Did you attend Prince’s Musicology tour, he told us to open up our Bibles when he sang “Purple Rain.” Tupac dedicated an entire CD to outing this entity. Bob Dylan spoke of the other world when interviewed on “60 Minutes.” Many more celebrities have hinted at it, written about it, without coming out and stating it point blank that yes there isdefinitely another world in existence as we go about our daily lives. With so many celebrities, government officials, leaders and pastors sworn to secrecy about their active membership in the illuminati, where do you see our country in the future? Where do you see our world? Where do you see yourself? Your family? Your friends?
Many people have a barometer. They have a bargaining chip as to what they will do or will not do for money. Have you stopped to consider what’s yours? What about your family members and your friends? What would it take? What’s your price? Come on, everybody has a price. Name yours. Are you prepared to deal with the strings that come with your number? Nothing is free.
Tonight is the season opener for the TV program, American Idol. How many of us will be watching? Have you ever thought that all of these programs, tools and gadgets are deliberate distractions to keep your eyes off of the prize?
With so many celebrities on Twitter, Face book and other social media, is it possible that the smart phone (and many of these other gadgets) is a device used by the illuminati, the 1%, to manipulate the rest of us so that we are head down, oblivious to what they are doing all around us in their world? We see the updates of their lives on the TV ticker on the news channels.we see them on magazine covers, books, CDs, clothing, perfume. Their opinions reach millions. Their influence runs deep and wide. How specifically are you influenced? What about your family? What about your friends? Where did making these celebrities idols come from? Who taught us as a culture to do that? Are we just following along like cattle and not asking questions, not taking a stand simply accepting what the government has told us?
When your favorite celebrity endorses a certain product, do you purchase that product? Do you go to see his or her movie? Do you buy into that celebrity’s pull? If so, guess what, you are being bought and sold right before your very own eyes. Now, what are you going to do about it?
Get your hands on the latest issue of Esquire magazine. Read the article about the future of the Hip Hop industry, where it came from and where it’s going. Notice the picture of the young man at the top of the article. Notice his hand symbol—a direct salute to Satan. Remember, Satan is bold and he will have his followers do things sometimes under the cover of comedy, humor and fun when he is really mocking God. At other times, he is quite bold and very direct with his gestures only if you aren't aware, he's running a game on you and your family. If he can get to the youth and capture their souls, it sets up his future and his followers quite nicely. Then, they become the 99% of their generation. We cannot let this happen. We cannot let this continue.
Off the top of your head, name today’s hottest Hip Hop artists, male and female. In order to get to where they are, to make a name for themselves, they had to be raped by many including my stalkers. Young, old, race, didn’t matter as long as they satisfied the vile and perverted lusts of their elders-- those old cats in the business who know best how the game is played. Have my stalkers grown up? No. They are still doing the same things that they were doing how many years ago. After countless awards and accolades, they are still playing the same game, raping, collecting toys. They have only gotten greedier and now, since they are older they are sloppier about the covering up of their dirty deeds thinking that they will not get caught and be exposed. The Bible is telling us all about them in 2012. Are you reading it? Are you listening? Do you see it too? Open up your Bibles and begin to apply it to this time right now.
It’s time to make a change people. And yes, even Michael Jackson tried to tell us about this same entity. Let's just hope that when it all goes down that you and your family are on the right team, that you are praising the one and true King--Jesus Christ. Don't be like the dee jay who thought he knew the song title but, was mistaken.
We are facing today what The Bible talked about eons ago. They gave us the warning. This is for real. We are the ones who can change it. What are you going to do about it?